National Hive Complete with 11 Brood and 20 Super self spacing frames ready made with our own unwired foundation. £240. Available with 5 frame Nuc of bees installed for £400.
Hand made from locally sourced sustainable Cedar timber and constructed in our own workshop. Hive consists of : Open Mesh Floor. Brood Box. Plastic Queen Excluder. 2 x Supers with 10 frame castellated spacers. Crown board. 6" Deep Roof with metal cover and 50mm Insulation board. Parts also available separately.
Available with Full Brood box of Bees already installed on removable frames for £335.
Hand made from locally sourced sustainable Cedar timber and constructed in our own workshop. Hive consists of : Solid Floor. 4 x hive boxes ( all with viewing section) each with 8 top bars. Cloth Crown Cover. Insulation box with sawdust for moisture absorbance. Gabled roof with metal cover. Part List: Hive parts available separately: Solid floor with legs. £25 Brood box £20 B/box with observation window £25 Insulation Box + cloth cover £15 Metaled roof £30
National Frames
National frames ready made up with our own unwired wax foundation sheets. Brood frames DN4 self-spacing : £3.00 each . Super frames SN4 self-spacing : £2.80 each .