National Hive Empty £155 Sold Out

National Hive Complete with 11 Brood and 20 Super self spacing frames ready made with our own unwired foundation. £240. Available with 5 frame Nuc of bees installed for £400.

Hand made from locally sourced sustainable Cedar timber and constructed in our own workshop. Hive consists of : Open Mesh Floor. Brood Box. Plastic Queen Excluder. 2 x Supers with 10 frame castellated spacers. Crown board. 6" Deep Roof with metal cover and 50mm Insulation board. Parts also available separately.

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Warre Hive £155 Sold Out

Available with Full Brood box of Bees already installed on removable frames for £335.

Hand made from locally sourced sustainable Cedar timber and constructed in our own workshop. Hive consists of : Solid Floor. 4 x hive boxes ( all with viewing section) each with 8 top bars. Cloth Crown Cover. Insulation box with sawdust for moisture absorbance. Gabled roof with metal cover. Part List: Hive parts available separately: Solid floor with legs. £25 Brood box £20 B/box with observation window £25 Insulation Box + cloth cover £15 Metaled roof £30

Frames. Sold Out

National Frames

National frames ready made up with our own unwired wax foundation sheets. Brood frames DN4 self-spacing : £3.00 each . Super frames SN4 self-spacing : £2.80 each .